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Sunday, 22 September 2013
Refined sugar is very high in calories but completely void of nutrients. The processes it undergoes completely strips out anything from sugar cane that is worth consuming. Then the food industry adds sugar to other nutrient lacking packaged foods to improve the taste and the effect is twice as detrimental on human health.
Sugar is cheap to grow and produce and highly addictive because it affects the brain providing a temporary and unnatural 'feel good' factor. This is also why the food industry adds so much of it to so many products. They are actually profiting from legally creating addicted consumers then very slowly poisoning them to death.
Because the adverse affects of sugar take so long to materialise and go unnoticed for years the food industry gets away with it and the person consuming the sugar often puts their illnesses and conditions down to other factors.
The food industry and the media has also manage to convince the general public that fat, not sugar, is the cause of obesitywhen, in fact. fat is needed by the body to absorb nutrients and for many other important processes. Cutting out fats can actually lead to obesityas well as high LDL cholesterol, heart disease, neurological disorders(the brain is made of fats), malnutrition and many other conditions. Refined sugar, however, is not needed in any form by the body and is the root cause of obesityand many other diseases.
Because refined sugar has no nutrients it robs the body of precious nutrients needed to metabolise it and gives nothing back which can lead to nutrient deficiency. It causes calcium expulsion and other important nutrients to be lost from the bones which leads to weakened bones, arthritis, painful joint problems, osteoporosis, tinnitus, deafnessand tooth decay.
High intake of sugar not only displaces calories from needed nutrients, but also interferes with the body's metabolism of nutrients, leading to damage of the liver, digestive system, kidneys, heart, brain, eyes, ears, skinand nearly every other bodily organ.
Sugar feeds cancercells, parasites, pathogenic bacteria, virusesand yeasts, triggers weight gain and addiction which leads to lipoma, Dercum's disease, acne and skin disordersand promotes premature aging.
The entire burden of metabolizing sugar falls on the liver, where excess is quickly converted into fat, which explains the weight gain and abdominal obesityof those that over indulge in sugar. It is the primary cause of non-alcoholic fatty liver and elevates uric acid which can cause gout. It also raises the blood pressure, stresses the kidneysand leads to the chronic, low-level inflammation that is at the core of most chronic diseases.
It is especially dangerous if there are signs of insulin resistance such as being overweight, or having high blood pressure, high LDL cholesterolor diabetes.
Sugar is loaded into soft drinks, fruit juices, sports drinks and hidden in almost all processed foods. And now most infant formulas have the sugar equivalent of one can of Coca-Cola, so babies are being metabolically poisoned from day one if taking formula. Is this because the food industry wants them to become addicted and accustomed to sugar as early as possible? There is no other possible explanation because refined sugar is completely useless to the human body.
Corn syrup is another profuse additive in foods which is very high in sugar and contains no nutrients from corn but it sounds 'healthy' so people are beguiled into accepting and ingesting it.
America has the largest obesity problem in the world because they consume far more sugar and processed foods, however, the rest of the world will catch up eventually because processed foods are beginning to reach all corners of the planet. In 1893, there were just three cases of diabetesper 100,000 people in the United States. Today, diabetes strikes almost 8,000 out of every 100,000 people.
The problem with diabetesis that doctors treat it with medications that allow the continued abuse of the body instead of just prescribing a sugar free diet. The same can be said for many other conditions which are treated with medications when the abolition of sugar and processed foods would have cured the patient.
Coffee compounds the problem because it too contains no nutrients but does possess dangerous chemicals and causes malabsorption of nutrients and many illnesses and conditions including obesity. See the Coffee Dangerspage.
Artificial additives and sweeteners also add to the dilemma because they too provide no nutrients but contain chemicals which cause many conditions and illnesses.
Then, if all that is not enough for the human body to contend with, powerful toxic pesticides, herbicides and fungicidesare used on food causing toxic build up in human organs.
Intense mass farming techniques leach necessary minerals from the soil, and hence from crops, causing malnutrition.
Unnatural hormones and antibiotics are added to intensely farmed animals which affect many processes in the body including the immune system of humans that ingest these animals.
Mega sized supermarkets have been able to financially wipe out local natural food providers leaving the population with no alternative but to buy refined sugar, salt and synthetic additive laden food products. Diseases like diabetes, allergies, asthma, respiratory disorders, heart disease, intestinal diseases, cancers, liver damage, bacterial infections, parasites, yeast infections, acneand other skin disorders, neurological disorders, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, deadly viruses(such as HIV/AIDS) and cancerhave increased steadily at the same rate as the growth of the processed and fast food outlets and pharmaceutical companies.
The massive increase in the consumption of sugar is one of the root causes of the huge increase in cases of all these conditions and diseases alongside alcohol(which also is high in sugar content), tobacco, air pollution, genetically modified foods, household and cosmetic toxins and powerful damaging medications. Relieving the body of just one of these slow painful killers will help but relieve the body of most, if not all of them and complete health and vitality will return.
The economy has suffered due to the infiltration of large corporate structures and the media and marketing campaigns that are controlling the food and drugs ingested by the general public. Ill health and an aging population is now becoming a huge financial burden for developed countries. Encouraging local natural food producers and healthy sugar free eating could be the solution that could turn the world's economy around and would also enable the entire world's population to have enough highly nutritious food to eat. It would also provide quality of life not just longevity with disabling conditions caused by medications.
Are these industries trying to poison the planet for financial gain or are people simply allowing this trend of consuming nutrient free poisonous foods such as sugar to take control of their lives? If all processed foods were replaced by high nutrition, additive and chemical free natural foods, most of the worlds diseases and disabilities would disappear. It seems humans are being held captive by their own desires for a sweet and easy life made possible by consuming sugar, coffee, alcohol, drugs, fast food, premade meals and processed foods and ignoring the detrimental consequences disability, degenerative disease and ill health that will catch up with them in the end.
Education and awareness of the importance of good nutrition for the human body is vital. People need to know exactly what is in the food and medications they consume and be aware of the damage that ingesting it can do. Side affects listed on medications are not 'side affects'. They are warnings of the possible outcome of ingestion depending upon the state of the body's balance of nutrients, metabolism and immune system processes but they are largely ignored because the patient relies on the doctor's advice. Doctors need to be made more aware of the importance of nutrition and the consequences of over consumption of poisonous addictive substances such as sugar and prescribe healthy diets instead of powerful toxic drugs for every condition and infection.
deadly as any drug addiction but is a very slow, painful and silent killer. It is also easier to become addicted when all processed foods contain so much sugar. People do not even realise they are addicted to sugar if the food they desire all the time is, in fact, a savoury dish. But they will more often than not find it contains sugar in the ingredients. Unlike drug addiction there is an easy way to recover. Choose other sweet foods, such as organic fruit, that are natural and contain lots of nutrients that help their sugars be used in the body in the right way and never again eat anything processed.
There are so many natural healthy alternatives to sugar which are highly nutritious and just as sweet tasting but most people seem unaware of this and turn to the easy option of a spoonful of sugar.
Honeyis one of the best alternatives as long as it is pure and unrefined or blended. Acacia and Manuka honey are more nutritious and have a higher antibacterial enzyme content.
Sweet fruits such as apples, apricots, bananas, berries, papaya, peaches, mango, melons, mosambi, soursopand watermeloncan be used to sweeten naturally and provide high levels of phytonutrientsthe body needs on a daily basis. Use the juices or pulp in place of sugar in recipes or drinks.
Dried fruit such as dates, figs, prunesand raisins and sultanasare highly nutritious and can be used to sweeten both sweet and savoury dishes.
Sweet vegetables such as beetroot, butternut squash, parsnips, peas, seaweed, sweet potato, swedecan give a delicate sweet taste to dishes as well as provide high levels of phytonutrientsthe body needs on a daily basis. They are best steamed or juiced.
Many aromatic herbs and spices can add both sweetness and flavours as well as very high nutrition to the diet. See the Herbs and Spicespage
Carnosineand carnitineare natural compounds in the human body that have been shown to prevent the damage caused by excess sugar and they can reverse the development of advanced glycation end products that lead to disease. The heart muscle and vascular system are very sensitive to the effects of free radical damage and protein degradation from sugar glycation. When critical proteins become non-functional from sugar accumulation, the heart and endothelial structures lose their elasticity and blood pressure rises.
Elevated glucose causes destructive changes to vital enzymes and proteins that set the stage for metabolic syndrome and tissue damage. This problem is particularly devastating in diabeticsas blood sugar levels remain elevated throughout the day and sugar-protein cross links wreak havoc with renal health, vision, the brainand the nervous system.
Foods rich in carnosine and carnitine are: beef, cheese, halibut, milk, oily fish, shellfish, poultry, tuna, venison
Because high sugar intake is likely to have damaged the intestines, liver, kidneys, bones, teeth, eyes, ears and affected the brain, skin, blood and nerves of the body visit the following pages to find out which natural foods can support and cure these afflictions:
1. Urinary Disorders
2. The Intestines
3. Tooth Decay
4. Eye Disease
5. Ear Conditions
6. Acne and Skin Disorders
7. Bone Disorders
8. Neurological Brain Disorders
9. Cleanse and Detoxifythe Liver, Gall Bladder, Kidneys, Spleen, Pancreas, Brain, Blood and Tissues
As sugar can also feed cancerous cells, parasites, bacteria, yeast and fungus infections, visit the following pages to find out how to treat these illnesses naturally:
1. Cancer
2. Bacteria
3. Fungi and Yeast Infections
4. Parasites
Daily Morning Liver Cleanser
(to help the body clear out the overload of sugar on the liver)
lemonor limejuice, turmeric, cayenne pepper, apple cider vinegar, pure honey, rosemary
(all these five ingredients together taken in a glass of warm water first thing in the morning is a liver cleanser & detoxifier)
Avoid rosemaryif pregnant or breastfeeding or suffering from high blood pressure
A wholesome healthy diet of the natural foods below will boost the immune system and help the body to recover from sugar damage as well as fight off virus, fungaland bacteriainfections naturally. If this diet is kept to it will boost the immune system and protect the intestines and the body from any future attacks and infections indefinitely.A noticeable difference will be felt within just one week.
The Phytonutrients, Minerals, Proteinand Fibrepages can help you understand body processes and the natural foods it needs to function correctly. The nutritional value of foods is important. Wasting valuable time eating the wrong foods especially sugar is damaging the body further and allowing viruses, pathogenic bacteriaand parasites and wormsto flourish each time they are consumed. They all reproduce so fast that just one high sugar and low nutrient meal can help them spread to other parts of the body and cause immeasurable damage.
Stay away from substances that will damage the body further; alcohol, coffee, medications, artificial additivessuch as aspartame, pesticide, fungicides, herbicidesand household and cosmetic toxins. Click the links to visit the pages about these dangerous substances.
Only eat the following fruit and vegetables if they are organic because of the risk of pesticideingestion:Apples, Bell Peppers, Celery, Cherries, Cocoa Beans, Grapes, Nectarines, Peaches, Pears, Potatoes, Red Raspberries, Spinach, Strawberries.
Visit the Cleanse and Detoxifypage to try that regime first which can clear the body of toxins and infection. Then stick to the ANTEDIET religiously. This will ensure the repair of any sugar damage and prevent further illnesses. This is the only solution to recover from sugar damage.
To benefit from foods containing carotenoidslike tomatoes & carrots always eat together with fat rich foods like rapeseed oil, olive oil, nutsor avocadobecause carotenoids are fat-soluble, meaning they are only absorbed into the body along with fats and can then assist with the manufacture of the essential vitamin Anutrient.
Eating a wide variety daily (not just 5) of whole grains, fruits, vegetables, herbs and spices per day will set the body on the path to full healthTry steaming a wide selection of the vegetables listed with the herbs and spices listed and a tablespoon or two of bottled or filtered water (fastest in the in the microwave 8 minutes approx.) then place in a blender for a deliciously healthy potage soup and eat a small bowl before each meal. Similarly blend a wide selection of the fruits together with nutmeg, cinnamon and honey to provide a tasty nutritious 'smoothie'. Add live probiotic organic yoghurt to make the 'smoothie' or soup creamy.
Drinkplenty of bottled mineral w aterto avoid chemicals additives such as fluoride and chlorine and provide more of the essential mineralsthe body needs.
For your protein needs
MEAT(3 times a week)
beef(lean organic), calf's liver, organ meats, poultry, venison
FISH(4 times a week)
halibut, shellfish, oily fish:such as anchovies, bloater fish, carp, eel, herring, hilsa fish, kipper, mackerel, pilchards, salmon, sardines, sprats, swordfish, trout, tuna(fresh only), whitebait
DAIRY(eggs 3 times a week, yoghurt daily)
eggs, goat's milk, yoghurt(live organic probiotic)
LEGUMES(3 times a week)
black beans, black-eyed peas, broad beans, chickpeas, legumes, lentils, lima bean, mung beans, navy beans, peas, pinto bean, red kidney beans, soya beans, winged beans
At least one (and ideally many more) natural foods and derivatives should be consumed each day from each of the categories below. Pick one of all colours of fruit and vegetables to consume daily. Yellow/orange, white, red, green and blue/purple. Nature has kindly colour coded natural foodfor us and each colour provides specific phytonutrientsand mineralsin the right balances which are required daily. At least one green leafy vegetable or herb should also be consumed daily. If you can't eat them all, juice them and drink that.
WHOLE GRAINS(at least 1 whole grain everyday)
all whole grainsespecially amaranth, barley, brown rice, quinoa, oats, psyllium husks, rye, teff
VEGETABLES(a selection of at least 4different coloursper day meaning all have been eaten at least once a week)
artichoke, asparagus, aubergine, avocado, beetroot juice(raw), bell pepper(all colours), broccoli, fenugreek, garlic, ginger, radishes, parsnips, carrots(raw juiced), collard greens, courgettes, cucumber, fenugreek, okra, onion, parsnips, potatoes, peas, radishes, spinach, swede, sweet potato, tomatoes, turnips, watercress
SPROUTS(see the Micro Diet Sproutingpage to find out how to grow your own then add to meals and snacks daily)
alfalfa, almond, amaranth, barley, broccoli, buckwheat, cabbage, chickpea, corn, hazelnut, fenugreek, flaxseeds, kamut, leek, lemon grass, lentil, lettuce, milk thistle, mizuna, mung beans, mustard, oat, onion, pea, peanut, radish, rice, rocket, rye, quinoa, sesame, spinach, spring onions, sunflower, turnip, watercress, wheat
FRUIT(a selection of at least 4 different colours per day meaning all have been eaten at least once a week)
apricot, berriesespecially blackberries, blueberries, raspberriesand strawberries, blackcurrants, cherries, grapes, kiwifruit, lemon, lime, orange, peaches, pineapple, papaya, raisins, soursop, tangerines, watermelon
apricots, dates, figs, goji berries, prunes, raisins, sultanas JUICE(pure, additive free, unsweetened - daily as often as possible)
beetroot(raw), carrot, cranberry, elderberry, grape, lemon, lime, mosambi, nasturtium(freshly pressed), orange, papaya, pineapple, pomegranate, tangerine
NUTS(as snacks or added to meals daily)
almonds, brazil nuts, coconut, hazelnuts, walnuts
SEEDS(as snacks, teas or added to meals daily)
flaxseeds, grape seeds, poppy, pumpkin, sesame, sunflower
OILS(to be consumed daily especially with carotenecontaining foods to enable absorption)
cod liver, coconut oil, flaxseed, grape seed, coconut oil, mullein oi l, olive, rapeseed,a blend of sesame& rice branoils
COMMON HERBS(nutritious herbs to be used as often as possible)
basil, cardamom, coriander, cloves, dill, lemongrass, oregano, parsley, saffron, safflower, sage, tarragon, thyme
MEDICINAL HERBS(consume as teas or add to meals as required)
ash gourd, burdock root, comfrey, common stinging nettles, dandelion, echinacea, elecampane, golden seal, ginkgo.
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